Adam, after he had sinned, felt ashamed and hid himself among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to him and said to him:
« Where are you? »(Genesis 3:9)
The fact that God asked him this question, it is not because He had sought him without finding him!
No, He wouldn’t miss him.
What God wanted was to bring Adam back to order, from what he was in.
It was as if He was telling him:
«What are you into? Do you see what you have done to get you there!»
The fact that God did not rush to ask him: « What have you done? » rather, he asked him: « Where are you? », which means that God cares more about the life a person is in, his being than what he does.
So, where are you now?
What are you into?
Have you really not deviated from God’s will?
Is your life pleasing to God?
The Eternal God does not accuse you of anything, nor does He condemn you; He just wants you to get out of your bad life and go into a better life full of peace and freedom.
Eternal our God, enable us to get out of the bad things we are in, so that we can go to a life that gives you glory.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, amen.
Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA