The Bible affirms that every child of God is a king and a priest.
This biblical truth underscores the dignity and responsibility of God’s children.
As kings, God’s children are called to reign spiritually, to manifest God’s authority on earth, and to inherit the Kingdom.
And as priests, they have a role of intercession and service to God, offering spiritual sacrifices (praise, prayer, obedience).
These following verses confirm this:
« To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father —to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.”(Revelation 1:5-6)
This means that Jesus has freed us from sin and established us in a royal and priestly role.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”(1 Peter 2:9)
This means that our role as priests is linked to our mission to bear witness to God and proclaim His glory.
This is truly a great grace that God grants us!
Being both kings and priests shows how valuable we are in His eyes and how important our mission on earth is.
Unfortunately, many of God’s children are unaware that they are kings and priests!
There are even some who believe that the royal and priestly role is reserved only for priests in the Catholic Church and for pastors in Protestant and revivalist churches.
This is completely false, because the Bible says that the royal and priestly role is not reserved for an elite, but for all those who have been redeemed by Jesus:
« With your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth. »(Revelation 5:9-10)
Imagine being a king and not knowing that you are one!
Imagine being a priest and not knowing that you are one!
Indeed, being a king and a priest is not only a spiritual title, it is also a call to live according to this identity.
A child of God who is unaware that he is a king is not using the authority God has given him:
a) He submits to circumstances instead of influencing them.
He complains about his problems instead of seeking solutions or exercising faith.
He believes that bad luck, fate, or other people are responsible for his failure.
He lives passively, without seeking to progress or impact his environment.
Concrete example:
Someone who dreams of earning a better living, but makes no effort to learn new skills or seize opportunities, believing that « that’s life. »
b) He lives in insecurity and doubt.
He doesn’t know his worth and constantly seeks the approval of others.
He is afraid to make decisions and always depends on the opinions of others.
He compares himself to others and feels inferior.
Concrete example:
A person who always hesitates to take initiative, who doesn’t believe in his abilities, and who waits for others to validate his choices before acting.
c) He lacks vision and ambition.
He lives day by day without a clear goal.
He doesn’t believe he can accomplish great things with God.
He settles for the minimum and refuses to dream big.
Concrete example:
Someone who has potential but settles for mediocre work because he thinks he can’t do better, even though God has given him talents.
d) He is dominated by his emotions and weaknesses.
He is easily discouraged by difficulties.
He gets carried away by anger, anxiety, or sadness instead of remaining calm.
He easily falls into destructive habits (sin, procrastination, addictions, etc.).
Concrete example:
Someone who lets his fears dictate his life choices, who gives up at the slightest difficulty, or who remains trapped in toxic relationships for fear of loneliness.
A child of God who is unaware that he is a priest does not realize that he has the spiritual authority to overcome the devil and his attacks:
a) He does not know his identity in Christ.
He thinks he is just a sinner saved by grace, but not an heir of the Kingdom.
He lives in guilt instead of accepting God’s forgiveness and justice.
Concrete example:
A Christian who thinks he must « earn » God’s love through his good deeds, and who lives in fear of judgment rather than in the freedom of Christ.
b) He does not pray with assurance.
He prays with doubt and hesitation, without conviction.
He does not claim God’s promises for his life.
He lets others pray for him instead of developing a personal relationship with God.
Concrete example:
A person who prays only in times of crisis and does not truly believe that his prayer can make a difference.
c) He does not fight spiritually.
He accepts the enemy’s attacks instead of repelling them with the Word of God.
He ignores negative influences and easily falls into compromise.
He does not recognize the importance of spiritual warfare in his life.
Concrete example:
Someone who has nightmares or experiences spiritual oppression, but does not pray or seek protection through faith and the Word.
Lord our God, grant us the awareness that we are kings and priests.
It is in the precious name of your Son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.
Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA