The Bible says that if God approves of a person’s ways, he does not have to worry about anything or anyone, because He makes even his enemies happy toward him?

« When the LORD takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them. »(Proverbs 16:7)

What is the meaning of this verse?
This verse expresses a profound idea about a person’s relationship with God, about righteousness, peace, and divine favor.
Here is an explanation of its meaning:

1. Relationship with God:
“When the LORD takes pleasure in anyone’s way” means that when a person’s actions and behavior are pleasing to God, that is, when that way follows the principles of justice, honesty, and virtue, it is in harmony with God’s will.

2. The Power of God:
God, in His sovereignty, is able to influence human relationships.
If God is pleased with a person’s conduct, He can act to transform the feelings of those who are hostile toward him.

3. Transformation of Enemies:
“He causes their enemies to make peace with them” means that God can change the hearts of that person’s enemies, causing them to accept, respect, or do good to him, despite their initial animosity.

4. The Central Message:
This verse emphasizes the idea that living a righteous and God-pleasing life can have positive consequences not only on one’s relationship with God, but also on one’s relationships with others, including enemies.
This reflects the belief that righteousness can disarm hostility and lead to peace.

In short, this verse encourages walking in integrity and righteousness, letting God take care of conflict situations.

What are the ways of a man that God can approve of?
The ways of a man that God can approve of are those that are consistent with His teachings and principles as expressed in the Bible.
Here are some of these ways:

1. Justice and Integrity:
Acting honestly, fairly, and uprightly in all situations.
This includes being faithful to one’s word, being transparent in one’s dealings, and respecting others.
« He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. »(Micah 6:8).

2. Love and Compassion:
Showing love toward God and others, including enemies.
Compassion, empathy, and charity toward those in need are attitudes that God approves of.
« Love your neighbor as yourself. »(Matthew 22:39).

3. Humility and Submission to God:
Recognizing your dependence on God, being humble before Him, and submitting to His will rather than your own desires.
« God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. »(James 4:6).

4. Seeking Peace:
Promoting peace and reconciliation rather than discord.
Seeking to resolve conflicts peacefully is a path that pleases God.
« Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. »(Matthew 5:9).

5. Faithfulness and Obedience to God:
Obeying God’s commands and living according to His Word.
Faithfulness in prayer, study of the Scriptures, and living out faith are attitudes that God approves of.
« If you love me, keep my commands. »(John 14:15).

6. Forgiveness and Mercy:
Forgive others, as God forgives.
The ability to show mercy, even to those who have done wrong, is a path that God favors.
« Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. »(Matthew 6:12).

7. Perseverance in Faith:
Remaining faithful to God despite trials, temptations, and difficulties.
Perseverance in faith shows a trust in God that God approves of.
« Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. »(James 1:12).

These ways are those that honor God and are aligned with His purposes.
By following these principles, a man can hope that his ways will be approved by God.

How does God causes your enemies to make peace with you ?
God can cause your enemies to make peace with you, according to the Christian faith.
Here are some ways this can manifest itself:

1. Transformation of hearts:
Change of perception:
God can change the hearts of your enemies, giving them a new outlook on you. They can change from hostility to kindness, or from contempt to respect.
This change can happen in subtle ways, through a realization or remorse on their part.
« In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water that he channels toward all who please him. »(Proverbs 21:1).

2. Creation of circumstances conducive to peace:
Divine providence:
God can orchestrate circumstances that foster peace between you and your enemies.
This could be an event or situation that requires you to cooperate, help one another, or resolve your differences.
Biblical example:
Joseph and his brothers (Genesis 45). Despite the initial hatred of his brothers, God arranged circumstances so that Joseph and his brothers were reconciled.

3. Gift of wisdom and patience:
Peaceful response:
God can give you the wisdom and patience to respond to your enemies with calmness, love, and understanding.
This can disarm their animosity and transform their attitude toward you.
« A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. »(Proverbs 15:1).

4. Protection and deliverance:
Preventing attacks:
Sometimes God works by directly protecting you from the attacks of your enemies, either by preventing their plans from coming to fruition or by rendering them ineffective.
« No weapon forged against you will prevail. »(Isaiah 54:17).

5. Conviction by the example of your life:
Influence by righteousness:
Your righteous and upright conduct, guided by God, can convince your enemies of the falsehood of their hostility.
They can recognize the goodness and grace in your life, which causes them to change their attitude.
Biblical example:
The apostle Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, was touched by the faith of those he persecuted and was eventually transformed.

6. Reward for righteous actions:
Visible blessings:
When God blesses your life in visible ways, it can influence your enemies to reconsider their position.
They can see that God is with you, which causes them to change their minds or respect you more.
Biblical example:
In the book of Daniel, Daniel’s enemies were forced to acknowledge the power of his God after Daniel was rescued from the lions’ den (Daniel 6).

In short, God can dispose your enemies favorably toward you through spiritual, relational, and circumstantial means, according to His will and plan.
The ultimate goal is often to lead to peace, reconciliation, and greater mutual understanding, while glorifying God in the process.

Be assured if your ways are approved by God.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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