When his executioners were crucifying him and casting lots for his clothes, Jesus Christ prayed, saying,
« Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. »(Luke 23:34)

Indeed, they did not know what they were doing because, despite the gravity of their actions, many of them did not fully understand the significance of what they were doing.
Not only did they not know that they were killing the promised Messiah and thought they were acting according to the law or preserving political stability, but they also did not know that they were fulfilling a divine plan.

In praying for them, Jesus expressed profound mercy, asking God not to condemn them for their spiritual ignorance.
This reflects Jesus’ central teaching about forgiveness, even toward enemies.

The Bible repeatedly shows that humans can act without fully understanding the scope of their actions, often through ignorance, spiritual blindness, or lack of discernment.
Here are some concrete examples:

1.The Crucifixion of Jesus (Luke 23:34):
Their spiritual blindness and prejudices kept them from grasping the true identity of Jesus.

2.Paul Persecuting Christians (Acts 9:1-19):
Before his conversion, the apostle Paul (then Saul) zealously persecuted Christians, believing he was defending the Jewish faith against what he considered heresy. Little did he know that he was actually fighting God Himself.

3.King Saul Disobeying God (1 Samuel 15:1-23):
Saul thought he was doing the right thing, but his lack of spiritual discernment led him to disobey.

4.Jonah Fleeing God’s Mission (Jonah 1:1-3):
Jonah, in his ignorance and lack of compassion, fled, believing he could avoid God’s plan. He was unaware of the spiritual consequences and broader impacts of his flight.

5.The Disciples Not Understanding Jesus’ Mission (Luke 9:44-45):
On several occasions, Jesus told His disciples that He would die and rise again, but they did not understand what He meant.
Their vision of a conquering Messiah prevented them from grasping the significance of His words.

6.Sinning in Ignorance (Hebrews 9:7):
In the Old Testament, the high priest offered sacrifices for sins committed in ignorance.
This shows that people could sin without being aware of it, but these sins still required an act of reconciliation with God.

The Bible shows that ignorance of the spiritual implications of our actions can lead us to act against God’s will, even with good intentions.
That’s why it emphasizes the need to ask God for wisdom and light to discern His ways (James 1:5) and to always let ourselves be guided by the Spirit so as not to act according to our own limited understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).

In our daily lives, we also sometimes commit acts without fully understanding the consequences, much like the biblical examples.
Here are some concrete situations where this often happens:

1. Unintentionally hurting someone with words:
We may say something without thinking, in jest or in a moment of anger, without realizing the emotional impact it can have on another person. For example, a remark about someone’s appearance or life choices may seem insignificant, but can be deeply hurtful.
We often do not realize how much our words can affect others, especially if we do not know their emotional state or personal history.
We do not realize that our words, even in jest, can destroy trust, hurt feelings or have lasting consequences.

2. Neglecting someone in need:
In everyday life, we may ignore or minimize the needs of others (the poor, the sick, the distressed) by believing that they will cope on their own or that it is not our responsibility.
We do not realize the missed opportunity to demonstrate God’s compassion and love.
As in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), we can be blind to our moral responsibility to others and miss an opportunity to act in love.

3. Spreading rumors or unverified information:
We may share information or rumors on social media or with friends without knowing if they are true, and this can tarnish someone’s reputation or cause fear.
For example, sharing false information about an event or person can have enormous repercussions, even if the intention was not to harm.
We do not always understand how spreading unverified information can harm someone’s reputation or life.

4. Neglecting one’s health or the health of others:
Neglecting one’s health or the health of others can stem from ignorance of the spiritual responsibilities we have toward our bodies and toward others. The Bible emphasizes the importance of caring for ourselves and our neighbors because it reflects the love and respect we have for God’s creation. Caring for our physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as that of others, is an essential part of our spiritual life.
Sometimes we engage in behaviors that seem to have no immediate consequences, such as poor diet, lack of sleep, or excessive stress, without realizing that they can seriously harm our health in the long term. This can also include not taking health recommendations seriously during pandemics.

5. Using resources irresponsibly:
We can sometimes consume excessively or waste resources (food, energy, time) without understanding the environmental or social impact of our actions.
Many are unaware of the long-term consequences of these habits on others and on the planet.
We are unaware that we are contributing to global problems such as climate change or the depletion of natural resources, affecting future generations.

6. Making hasty decisions in relationships:
In relationships (family, friends, colleagues), we can react impulsively, making decisions based on momentary emotions or misunderstandings.
Sometimes, we are unaware of the other person’s deep motivations or the circumstances that influenced their behavior.
By reacting too quickly, we can break precious bonds or leave deep emotional wounds, all this without understanding the importance of patience and kindness.

7. Avoiding discussing spiritual issues with our children:
Many parents, out of neglect or discomfort, do not discuss issues of faith, morality or spirituality with their children. They may assume that these discussions will come later or that their children will learn on their own.
They do not realize that this omission can have profound consequences on their children’s spiritual development, depriving them of a solid foundation to face life’s challenges.

8. Following cultural trends without thinking:
Many people follow fashions or social trends (social networks, career choices, moral attitudes) simply because they are popular or accepted, without asking questions about the compatibility of these behaviors with their values ​​or faith.
We can get carried away by the surrounding culture without understanding that certain influences can distance us from our spiritual or moral convictions.

9. Ignoring social justice in our consumer choices:
We often buy products (clothing, food, electronics) without thinking about how they are made, unaware of the working conditions of employees or the environmental impact of these industries.
Due to a lack of knowledge or awareness, we sometimes contribute to exploitation or social injustice without being aware of it.

10. Making financial decisions without discernment:
It is easy to make financial decisions without thinking carefully about their long-term consequences, such as taking on excessive debt, investing in ethically questionable businesses, or giving too little to those in need.
We may ignore the spiritual impact of our financial management, not realizing that money is a tool that God entrusts to us to use wisely and generously.

11. Neglecting forgiveness:
We may hold grudges or refuse to forgive someone in the belief that we are protecting our dignity or getting revenge.
But we often forget that unforgiveness first hurts the one who refuses to forgive, and creates spiritual barriers in our relationship with God.
Unforgiveness affects our own spiritual well-being, and we neglect the biblical command to grant forgiveness as God grants it to us.

12. Not recognizing our biases and prejudices:
We often have prejudices against certain people or communities without being fully aware of it (discrimination, judgment based on appearance or social origin).
This influences our behavior towards them.
Without being aware of it, we sometimes act in contradiction with the universal love that God calls us to show towards all human beings.

As in the biblical stories, these examples show that in everyday life, it is easy to act out of ignorance or lack of discernment.
This is why the Bible emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s wisdom (James 1:5) and letting the Holy Spirit guide our actions to avoid mistakes that can lead us away from His will or harm others.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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