When we love, we absolutely give.

The Bible says that:
« God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. »(John 3:16)

God is our irrefutable example.
Out of love, He gave us life; out of love, He gave us salvation; out of love, He gave us eternal life.
If we love, we absolutely must give.

If then you sincerely love, give too!
Give your time,
give your attention,
give your compassion,
give your good advice,
give your support,
give your money,
give something!
Because moreover, « It is more blessed to give than to receive. »(Acts 20:35)

Lord our God, give us the strength and courage to give as you give.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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