The Bible says:
« If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. »(Romans 12:18)

Indeed, it is not always easy to be at peace with everyone, because there are difficult or complicated people, but « as far as it depends on us », we must absolutely seek to live in peace with everyone.

We need peace personally for several crucial reasons:

1. Our mental health: Inner peace reduces stress, anxiety and feelings of fear or anger. This contributes to better mental health, allowing you to feel more serenity and contentment on a daily basis.

2. Our physical health: Less stress and anxiety have positive effects on physical health, including better immune function, lower blood pressure and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

3. Our personal relationships: Inner peace promotes more harmonious and fulfilling relationships. A person at peace is more inclined to patience, listening and understanding, which strengthens bonds with others.

4. Our productivity and creativity: A peaceful mind is clearer and focused, which improves the ability to solve problems, be creative and make effective decisions. Inner peace helps maintain motivation and commitment to personal and professional projects.

5. Our personal development: Inner peace allows you to connect more deeply with yourself, to be in agreement with your values ​​and your objectives. This leads to a feeling of personal accomplishment and spiritual growth.

6. Our resilience: Inner peace increases resilience in the face of life’s challenges. It helps to approach difficulties with a positive perspective and to bounce back after challenges, thus strengthening the ability to overcome obstacles.

In short, it is in our interest to live in peace with everyone for our general well-being. Let us then be peacemakers in everything and everywhere.

Lord our God, grant us to always make an effort to promote peace in everything and everywhere.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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