If I say that I can heal the sick of all illnesses, some wouldn’t believe me!
And yet, this is perfectly normal for any child of God who has faith and is aware of having the authority and power to heal the sick.

Jesus Himself healed the sick and gave all those who believe in Him as their King and Savior the authority and power to heal the sick.
« Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. »(Matthew 10:1)
« Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. »(John 14:12)

As children of God and disciples of Jesus, we are all called to « pray for the sick. »
« When you enter a town and are welcomed… Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.' »(Luke 10:8-9)
And, as the Bible says, one of the signs that will accompany those who believe in Jesus will is that “they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”(Mark 16:18)

Curiously, even though God has given us this authority to pray for the sick and heal them of all diseases, there are Christians who are unaware of this, and there are those who know it but doubt it, not believing they can do so. There are also those who believe that praying for the healing of the sick is reserved for a select few among God’s children, such as priests, pastors, prophets, or a very small number of other children of God.
None of this is true; it’s Satan’s lies.
« Healing the sick » is an authority and power given to all who believe in Jesus.
Satan is not happy when we pray for the sick to be healed.

Why then are the sick we pray for not healed of all their illnesses?
Here are three reasons why the sick we pray for are not healed of their illnesses:

1. Little faith
It’s not that we don’t believe God can heal the sick, it’s simply because we doubt that He can heal through us.
Jesus said it well:
« Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. »(Matthew 17:20)
Isn’t that right?
Could you be struggling with unbelief?

2. Prayerlessness
Jesus’ disciples tried to cast out a demon, but they could not. Why?
Jesus told them that
« this kind can come out only by prayer. »(Mark 9:29)
In Matthew 21, Jesus said:
« However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. »(Matthew 17:21)
As we spend more time in prayer, in God’s Presence, connected to the vine, abiding in Him…demonstrations of power flow out of us.
He lives in us more fully.
His works flow out of us more freely.
Could it be that you need to pray a bit more?

3. Timidity
Sometimes we are afraid to take a risk of faith.
We are hesitant to ask someone if we can pray for them. This is especially true when you are praying for something more than a common cold!
Imagine, for example, praying for someone in a wheelchair!
All kinds of reasons come to mind to avoid the offer to pray for him.
And even when the Holy Spirit prompts us, we ignore or dismiss it.
But Apostle Paul said:
« The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. »(2 Timothy 1:7)
Could it be that fear is greater in your life than faith?
Ask God to help you overcome fear and to fill you with His love, His power, and the self-discipline to obey His command to heal the sick around you.

God’s children must be aware that they have the authority and power to heal the sick of all diseases.
All they need is to believe in God and trust in the power of God within them.

Eternal Father, grant us the awareness that we have the authority and the power to heal the sick of all diseases.
It is in the precious name of your Son Jesus Christ that we pray. Amen.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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