In the book of Job, specifically in chapter 28, verse 28, Job states:
“The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.”

A wise man is not one who is seemingly shy or reserved, passive, or who remains calm and collected even in stressful situations. No, a wise man is one who fears God his creator.
And the « fear of the Lord » is not fear in the common sense, but an attitude of respect and worship, recognizing the greatness and sovereignty of God.
How can a person claim to be wise if he does not respect God who gave him life and wisdom?
This person would rather be a liar.
This is what we need to understand.

Intelligent is the only one who knows and can keep away from evil.
An intelligent man is not one who has been able to accumulate a lot of knowledge or who knows how to speak with impressive eloquence.
No, rather it is a person who seeks to remain in right relationship with God his creator, avoiding and distancing himself from all sin because he knows that God hates all evil.
How can a person claim to be intelligent if he doesn’t understand that living in sin is shameful in the eyes of God and in the eyes of men?
That would be self-deception.

Be wise to be intelligent!

O Lord our God, give us wisdom and understanding.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.

Apostle Jean-Claude SINDAYIGAYA

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