When Jesus was telling Peter to follow him, he turned around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved and said to Jesus:
« Lord, what about him? »(John 21:21)
Jesus answered him:
« If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me. »(John 21:22)
If you compare your life to that of others, it may seem to you that they are better off, that they are more advanced, or that they don’t have the challenges that you have.
What is that to you?
Run your race, God’s plan for you is different from what He has for others.
Stop wasting your time comparing yourself to others, for that will make you covet or envy them, and it will keep you from following Jesus.
After all, what you see that others have and you don’t have, that is Jesus who gives it, and what you see that they are and you want to be, that is Jesus who does it.
What Jesus will not do for you or of you, He will have a reason to not do it for you. You must not stop following him because what you must desire above all is that he will take you to heaven.
Our Father who art in heaven, grant us to never again compare our lives to those of others.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.
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