Holiness is to the spiritual life what physical health is to the carnal body.
That said, here below, believers do not have the possibility of being holy in the absolute sense of the term nor of living without sin. Yet their goal is to come as close as possible to this ideal, and over time they must grow in faith, change, and mature.

« Be holy in all you do. »(1 Peter 1:15)

Although God recognizes us as saints for having accepted his son Jesus as our Lord and Savior, sanctification is not a fixed state, but a constant march forward.
Here are the principles of this constant walk to grow in holiness:

1. To flee sin
To grow in holiness, we must try to avoid all sin and know how to flee it if it presents itself before us.
« The one who does what is sinful is of the devil. »(1John 3:8)

2. Avoid bad company
Bad company leads us into sin and prevents us from progressing in holiness.
Even the apostle Paul says that in his first letter to the Corinthians that « bad company corrupts good character. »(1 Corinthians 15:33)

3. To take God as a model
The barometer of our holiness is not what those around us think, but our conformity to the character of God. We must always want to do what is right and good.
« Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. »(Matthew 5:48)

4. To develop healthy habits
The battle against impiety is not won in a day. Too often we would like to obtain instant piety, with shortcuts. Godliness is acquired through discipline and perseverance.
« Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. »(1 Timothy 4:7)

With these four principles, although the list is not exhaustive, we can surely grow in holiness.

Lord our God, help us to grow in holiness.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.

☏: +250730900900

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