No one can deliver our souls except our God alone.
This is why David does not have recourse to anyone, not even to the priests, but to God.
« Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave? »(Psalms 6:4-5)
A repeated fault, an unconfessed sin as well as bad morals and bad habits that we have not succeeded in abandoning, constitute a heavy burden which weighs on our heart from which we must ask the Lord to deliver us.
We ask God to deliver us from all that can prevent us from approaching Him and praising Him while we are still alive.
It is because of his mercy that God does not rush to punish us. « Instead He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. »(2 Peter 3:9)
It is also because of His unfailing love that He delivers us from what we fail to deliver ourselves and from what no one else can deliver us.
And God does not save us because of our faithfulness or anything that comes from us, but only because of his unfailing love. Our God is a God of love and compassion.
Our Father who art in heaven, deliver our souls, that we may praise and adore You.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.
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