Genesis 3:9
« Where are you? »

After man sinned, he found himself far from God, and has therefore lost his dominion, his dignity, his happiness, his innocence, his purity, his peace, and thus he lost himself.
It was then that God came to search for him to save him and asked him :
« Where are you ? »
This issue proves two things:
1. On the one hand, that sin separate man from God: If being found guilty, he is gone to hide and he is lost.
2. On the other hand, that God saves man from evil in which sin leads to: it is by his grace that God came looking for the man to pull him from where he was removed.
We find, therefore, that the sinner has the price in the eyes of God.
And how the sinful man replied to the faithfulness and the grace of God, which called him and said to him: « Where are you? »
Alas ! The response of Adam reveal the deepest of the evil into which he had fallen. He replied: « I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself. »
And the Lord God said: « Who showed you that you were naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree of which I have commanded thee not to eat? »
And the man said: « The woman whom thou hast given me to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate » (v10-12).
We see Adam rejecting, in fact, his shameful fall on the circumstances in which God had placed them; that is to say indirectly about God himself.
It has always been thus in the fallen man; he accuses everyone and all things, except himself.
We also, instead of accusing the other or to throw the responsibility on God, rather, we should examine ourselves deeply, ask ourselves where we are, compared to God, acknowledge our wrong and respond to the grace of God who wants to save us.

Lord our God, give us the strength to avoid anything that moves us away from You.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray.

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