Every Christian must have a good personal relationship with God.
However, although this personal relationship is different from person to person, we all share common indicators of a fruitful relationship with God:

1. Repentance:
In order to maintain our good relationship with God, we must repent if we fall into sin.
God is Holy (Psalm 99:5) and He does not tolerate sin.
Indeed, being born again, sin can no longer kill us (Romans 8:2), but it cuts our good relationship with God although it cannot call into question our status as children of God.

2. Prayer and Listening:
The way we communicate with God is through prayer.
When the relationship is good, we talk to God more and we talk to Him as often as possible.
If we are in a good personal relationship with God, He wants us to also listen to Him when He speaks to us. So we must listen to him if we respect him.
We can listen to Him through the Word, but we can also listen to the Holy Spirit. If He gave us the Holy Spirit, it is to speak to us, to warn us, to enlighten us, to move us, to guide us (John 16:13).

3. Knowledge of God:
The more we progress in our right relationship with God, the more He reveals Himself to us.
To know God is therefore to experience his daily presence in our life.
« My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. »(Job 42:5)
In this verse, it is not only about seeing, but also about considering, personally experiencing God with the eyes of our heart.

4. Obedience to God:
God loves to be obeyed more than all other things.
« Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. »(1Samuel 15:22)
Obedience is submission to the will of God in all areas of life. And this submission is not binding, it is rather motivated by trust in God, like our Father.

Lord our God, grant us to remain in good personal relationship with You.
It is in the precious name of your son Jesus Christ that we pray, Amen.

☏: +250730900900

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